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Controlled Dangerous Substance Laws In Maryland

 Posted on September 02, 2024 in Drug Charges

Controlled dangerous substance laws in Maryland

Facing a drug charge is a situation that can be both frightening and overwhelming. The laws surrounding controlled dangerous substances in the state can be complex and confusing, leaving you wondering what’s next and how to get through the legal system.

However, you don’t have to face this alone. This blog aims to provide information and guidance you need to understand the charges against you. This information empowers you with knowledge to help you take control of your situation.

Penalties for drug charges in Maryland

Maryland divides drugs into five schedules based on their potential for abuse and medical use. Schedule I substances and drugs have a high risk of abuse and no medical value, while Schedules II to V have decreasing dangers of abuse and medical uses. Understanding which schedule a drug belongs to is crucial, as it impacts the penalty for illegal possession.

In Maryland, possession means having control over something, even if it’s not in your pocket or hand. If authorities find them in your car, home or anywhere near you, you can be considered in possession of them because you can exercise control over them.

Possession of Schedules I and II narcotics may lead to a fine of up to $25,000, and imprisonment can range from 20 to 40 years, depending on the number of convictions. For hallucinogenic substances, the fine is up to $20,000, and imprisonment can last for 20 years. For Schedules III to V substances, the fine is up to $15,000, and imprisonment is up to five years.

Finding a path forward

As you move forward, remember that there are steps you can take to protect your future. Consider seeking legal help and support to overcome this challenge. With the help of a defense lawyer, you can safeguard your rights and may have a chance to open negotiations for lighter punishments.

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