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Annapolis, MD Domestic Violence Defense Attorneys

Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyers Representing People Accused of Domestic Violence in Annapolis, Maryland

When you live with someone, disagreements, and arguments are bound to happen. Anger, frustration, and stress can escalate a minor irritation into a full-blown fight. When these fights turn physical, criminal charges may follow. Although Maryland law does not include a specific charge for domestic violence, this label can be assigned to various forms of assault and other violent crimes. Whether you are being investigated or have already been charged, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney to protect your rights.

Together, the lawyers at Henley & Henley, Attorneys at Law, have represented people charged with domestic violence and other crimes in Maryland for over five decades. We have gained invaluable first-hand knowledge during that time that allows us to offer unparalleled legal counsel. We know how to evaluate your case and formulate a defense strategy geared toward achieving the most favorable resolution. In Maryland criminal matters, experience matters.

Crimes That Are Considered Domestic Violence in Maryland

Whether your accuser is a spouse, roommate, partner, family member, or another cohabitant, you could be charged with several different types of offenses related to domestic violence, such as:

  • Stalking
  • Causing severe bodily injury
  • Child endangerment or abuse
  • Violating a protective order
  • Physical assault
  • Creating fear of imminent harm
  • Sex crimes, including assault, sexual offenses, or rape
  • Kidnapping, restricting movement, or false imprisonment
  • Attempted assault, abuse, or sex crimes

Even if you do not live together, other people could also accuse you of domestic violence. Your ex, the other parent of your shared children, in-laws, parents, children, and other family members might make these allegations.

In many cases, an accuser has ulterior motives for reporting alleged domestic violence. They may be trying to win a fierce child custody battle or divorce, for example. They could manufacture events or twist the facts of actual disagreements to make them look good and you look bad.

Regardless of the reasons behind the allegations, people accused of domestic violence in Maryland are often judged more harshly by law enforcement, prosecutors, and juries. Your family and friends may abandon you when you need their support. Without the skilled counsel of your lawyer, you may not know how to defend yourself against these accusations.

The Consequences of a Maryland Domestic Violence Conviction

The consequences you could face depend on the nature of the charges against you, whether you are charged with a misdemeanor or felony, any prior convictions, and the competence of your lawyer. If convicted, you could:

  • Be fined
  • Spend time in jail or prison
  • Lose child custody and visitation rights
  • Lose a security clearance
  • Have a permanent mark on your criminal record

Your future job, housing, and borrowing prospects could be severely limited. You might not be allowed to own a weapon, which could result in gun charges. The stakes are high, and the lawyer you choose will directly affect your case, for good or bad. You cannot afford to take a chance with an inexperienced attorney.

We Work Toward the Best Possible Outcome for Your Maryland Domestic Violence Charges

The best-case scenario would be for no charges to be filed. Having your case dismissed is another positive outcome. No attorney can guarantee either. Instead, Henley & Henley, Attorneys at Law, will always advocate on your behalf to help you minimize the repercussions you may face. We cannot tell you what that looks like until we examine the details of your case. We may be able to negotiate for a lesser charge, request probation before judgment, or win your case at trial. When considering potential defense strategies, we will cast a wide net to cover all possibilities and reach an optimal resolution for you.

Domestic Violence Defense FAQs


What Is a Protective Order?

In Maryland, alleged victims can seek court orders that are meant to protect them against further abuse. If your accuser obtains a protective order, various restrictions can prevent you from contacting or approaching the persons named in the order, and if you do not comply with these restrictions, you could be held in contempt or arrested. Your lawyer can represent you during a protective order hearing or if you are accused of violating the order.


What if I Was Defending Myself or Others?

Self-defense or defending another person, such as a child, is often an effective defense strategy against accusations of domestic violence. For example, your spouse might have come at you with a knife, and you used a nearby skillet to defend yourself. Your legal team can help you support these claims with evidence.


What if I Was Falsely Accused?

Many domestic violence cases result from false accusations. Your attorney will investigate your situation to find evidence showing that the allegations against you are unfounded.


Can I Still Be Prosecuted if My Accuser Does Not Press Charges?

Even if an accuser decides not to press charges against you, the prosecution can proceed on its own and charge you with domestic assault or other related offenses. Your accuser does not have the authority to drop charges, although their wishes could influence the state's decision. Your lawyer can facilitate communications if this situation applies to your case.


Does Maryland Have a Domestic Violence Diversion Program?

Yes, it is possible that you could qualify for Maryland's domestic violence diversion program, but not everyone accused of domestic violence is eligible. Completing the requirements of this program could provide an alternative to a conviction and jail time. If this is the best-case scenario for you, your attorney will explain everything involved and help you make decisions about how to proceed with your case.


When Should I Call a Lawyer?

As soon as you suspect that an accusation of domestic violence may be leveled against you, call Henley & Henley, Attorneys at Law, immediately. That could be after an argument or incident with a vindictive spouse or ex, or it might be after your arrest. The sooner you contact us, the more opportunities we will have to protect your rights.


Does Physical Violence Have to Occur for a Domestic Violence Conviction?

Not all domestic violence involves physical contact. Attempts to commit a form of physical domestic violence can lead to criminal charges. You could also be accused of financial abuse, emotional abuse, threatening harm, or psychological abuse. You could be charged and convicted even if no physical contact is made. Our lawyers will do our best to keep that from happening.


Can a Domestic Violence Conviction Be Expunged?

Whether you are convicted of a misdemeanor or felony, when domestic violence is involved, your conviction is ineligible for expungement. That means it will remain on your criminal record permanently and show up in background checks.

Call Our Annapolis, Maryland Domestic Violence Defense Lawyers

Nothing can take the place of knowledge gained through experience. When you choose Henley & Henley, Attorneys at Law, you can trust us to handle your domestic violence case effectively, because we have what you need to succeed. Call us at 410-280-0530 or contact us online today for your free case review.

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