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Parents Charged After Infant Ingests Opioid

 Posted on January 27, 2021 in Uncategorized

Parents charged after infant ingests opioid

Parenting is hard. It is something that all new parents quickly realize that regardless of how many books we read or YouTube videos we watch, there simply is no clear-cut way to be the ideal parent. Unfortunately, things happen, and sometimes, our kids get into things they should not and ingest things that are not for them. After all, kids stick everything in their mouths. Though, for one local couple, a possible inadvertent ingestion has led to criminal charges.

The disturbing story

Last November, a South County couple called 9-1-1 for their sick child. The Anne Arundel County Fire Department responded to the call for the Lothian 10-month-old child. The child was having trouble breathing, and EMS suspected that the child’s symptoms may have been a reaction to opioids. As such, they administered Narcan, and the infant began to get better. And, the infant recovered.

The alleged crime

Since Narcan only effects those experiencing an opioid overdose, they reported the incident to the police. The police found that the infant had indeed ingested an opioid. As a result, the parents were recently charged with child neglect and reckless endangerment and arrested. Though, the same day they were arrested, they were both released.

The takeaway

For Annapolis, Maryland, residents and parents, this shows that even misplacing items can lead to criminal charges, both felonies and misdemeanors. However, please remember that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but it is important to contact an attorney immediately to craft a criminal defense strategy.

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