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Will I Lose My License If I Get A DWI Or DUI In Maryland?

 Posted on October 20, 2022 in Drunk Driving

Will I lose my license if I get a DWI or DUI in Maryland?

Maryland law recognizes two different drunk driving offenses. They are driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI). A DUI can be issued if you are driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 or more. A DWI is issued if you are driving with a BAC of 0.07 and police believed you showed other signs of impairment.

In either case, if you are charged with one of these offenses, you could face administrative penalties in addition to criminal penalties. One of these penalties is the loss of your driver’s license.

DUI and your driver’s license

In Maryland, if you have no prior DUI conviction, your driver’s license can be revoked for a maximum of six months. If it is your second DUI conviction, your driver’s license can be revoked for a maximum of 12 months.

DWI and your driver’s license

In Maryland, if it is your first DWI conviction, your driver’s license can be suspended for up to six months. If it is your second DWI conviction, your driver’s license can be suspended for nine to 12 months. If you receive a DWI and are under the legal drinking age, your license could be suspended for two years.

Losing your license can affect your life

It may go without saying that losing your driver’s license can have a significant impact on your life. After all, for most of us in Maryland, driving is simply a part of everyday life. The loss of the ability to legally drive can negatively affect just about all aspects of your life. If you are accused of DUI or DWI, you will want to take all the necessary steps to try to avoid a conviction and subsequent loss of your license.

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