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Pasadena Child Custody Lawyers

Respected Family Lawyers Helping Resolve Child Custody Matters in Pasadena, MD

Making provisions for your children as you separate from the other parent is usually an extremely stressful and emotional experience. Your thoughts and judgment can be clouded, but you must still make child custody decisions that address the best interests of your children. It can be easy to let animosity against your soon-to-be ex filter into your decision-making process, but your children's best interests have to be prioritized.

Henley & Henley, Attorneys at Law can provide the support and trusted counsel you need to make wise child custody decisions. Together, our lawyers have helped other Maryland families make tough child custody choices for over 50 years. Your family's situation and challenges are unique, and you can trust us to devise comprehensive child custody agreements that reflect them.

Potential Challenges in Pasadena, Maryland Child Custody Issues

Most couples who decide to separate are not on the best terms. Anger at the other parent sometimes encourages spiteful actions, such as using children as pawns in a power play. There is no room for vindictiveness when making child custody arrangements, because it is your children who will ultimately suffer. Other situations can make it challenging to arrive at an agreement that both parents can live with and also maintain the children's best interests, such as:

  • Health conditions
  • Military reassignment or deployment
  • Irregular work schedules
  • Lack of suitable housing
  • Incarceration or the need for supervised visitation
  • Parental relocation to another state

If you have multiple children, their ages could complicate things, because children of different ages need different types of care and support from their parents. Children with special needs can present unique child custody challenges. You need an experienced attorney who knows how to overcome the challenges to create successful solutions.

Sometimes, circumstances change as time passes, making your carefully prepared parenting plan obsolete. Many parents make the mistake of not requesting a legal modification of court orders related to child custody matters. Rather than handling changes informally, you need to protect your children and yourself by letting us help you modify your orders through the court.

Legal and Physical Child Custody in Pasadena

Child custody plans involve more than just when children will spend time with each parent, although physical custody does play an important role in these cases. Legal custody must also be decided, which gives parents the authority to make major choices for their children, such as decisions about education, healthcare, and religion. With sole legal custody, only one parent has decision-making authority. Shared legal custody lets parents collaborate. If tie-breaker status is added, one parent may be able to overrule the other parent when disagreements arise.

Child Custody Frequently Asked Questions


If the Other Parent Is Unfit, What Can I Do?

Children must be kept safe, receive the proper supervision, and be cared for appropriately. Sometimes, a parent may be unable to meet those obligations, and they could even present a danger to the children's safety and well-being. An experienced lawyer can help address these issues and help you take steps to restrict the other parent's access to your children, make arrangements for supervised visitation, or take other measures to protect your children's best interests.


If My Ex and I Cannot Reach a Child Custody Agreement, What Happens?

If parties cannot agree, your lawyer may suggest mediation. If that does not succeed, the court could intervene and make the decisions for you. The court is required to put the children's best interests first, and its decisions may not make either parent happy. Still, you will need to follow the terms set out in the court order. It is best to work hand-in-hand with your attorney to reach an agreement with the other parent.

Contact Our Pasadena, Maryland Child Custody Lawyers

As a parent, you are your children's advocate. As your attorney, we are yours. Contact us today, either online or by calling 410-280-0530, to speak with one of our experienced child custody lawyers. Your initial consultation is free of charge.

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