Severn, MD Child Custody Attorneys
Experienced Lawyers Protecting Your Interests in Child Custody Matters in Severn, Maryland
Few situations are as emotionally draining as trying to resolve child custody disputes. You may be used to seeing your children every day and making decisions about their welfare jointly with your partner. After choosing to get a divorce or separating as an unwed parent, that will probably no longer be the case. Coupled with the stress involved in these situations, strong emotions can make it challenging to make good custody decisions that are in your children's best interests.
You need a compassionate attorney who understands the difficulties of your situation and who will work hard to explain your options thoroughly and help you meet your goals. When you choose Henley & Henley, Attorneys at Law, you get the benefits of over 50 years of combined legal experience. We have helped Maryland families create customized, comprehensive child custody plans that reflect their children's best interests, and we stand ready to help you, too.
Your Severn, Maryland Child Custody Plans Need to Meet the Court's Approval
Unless your separation or divorce is highly contentious, you and the other parent can probably come to an agreement about child-related matters. Even so, Maryland courts must approve your plans, using the "best interests of the child" standards as their guide. Among other considerations, courts need to see that your plans:
- Establish protocols for swapping physical custody and when and how parents should communicate
- Make provisions for your child's safety and fundamental needs
- Address any special needs your children have
- Provide clear guidelines for handling unexpected situations
- Are age-appropriate for each of your children
- Keep your children in safe, healthy environments
Your attorney understands these standards, the challenges your situation may include, and how to tailor plans that both parties can agree to, always giving close consideration to your wishes and goals. We will thoroughly explain the merits and disadvantages of your options and help you decide how to proceed.
Types of Child Custody in Maryland
Maryland recognizes two categories of child custody, and your plan needs to specify the rights granted by each. Decisions about healthcare, education, and religious upbringing can be contentious if parents do not agree. Sole legal custody gives decision-making authority to only one parent. Joint legal custody lets both parents have a say in these matters, and a tie-breaker status with joint legal custody may give one parent the right to overrule the other when they disagree.
Physical custody may be either primary or shared. With primary custody, the children will live with one parent most of the time, and they will usually be able to have regular visitation time with the other. Shared custody can involve equal amounts of time spent with both parents or an uneven split. When your children are physically with you, you can make minor decisions that affect their daily life, such as what to feed them, whether you let them go to a classmate's birthday party, and taking away TV privileges as punishment.
Child Custody FAQs
If Maryland courts have to step in and make custody decisions, they are required to protect the children's best interests rather than catering to either parent's wishes. Children need to be safe and cared for properly; sometimes, one or both parents cannot provide for the children. Courts look at factors like each parent's health, their financial and emotional stability, and limitations that might prevent them from giving appropriate attention to the children's needs. Depending on each child's age and maturity, his or her preferences may be taken into account. Any special needs of the children will also be considered.
Some parents believe that changing custody and visitation arrangements on their own is acceptable. However, you may be unable to enforce an agreement with the other parent if the modifications were not approved by a court. Legally modifying your orders is highly recommended, and working with an experienced child custody attorney will ensure that this is done correctly.
Contact Our Severn, MD Child Custody Lawyers
Whatever child custody issues you may need to address, an experienced lawyer from Henley & Henley, Attorneys at Law, can help you resolve them. Contact us today to book your complimentary case review or call 410-280-0530.