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Will I Get Leniency For My First Drug Offense?

 Posted on September 19, 2024 in Drug Charges

Will I get leniency for my first drug offense?

The concept of automatic leniency for first-time drug offenders is more myth than reality. While a clean record can be advantageous, it rarely diminishes the gravity of drug charges. First-time offenders may have options, but courts do not always offer them.

It is crucial to understand Maryland’s drug laws if you are contending with drug charges. This information will better prepare you for what lies ahead.

Maryland takes a stern stance on drug-related crimes

Courts look into several factors when deciding the severity of punishment for a drug offense:

  • The type and quantity of the drug: Courts may view possession of a small amount of marijuana as less severe than possession of a large quantity of heroin.
  • The circumstances of the offense: Was the drug found in a school zone or near a child? Were you distributing or selling them?
  • The defendant’s criminal history: Courts may favor a first-time offender with no prior convictions over someone with a history of criminal activity.

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Are Breathalyzers Reliable?

 Posted on September 11, 2024 in Drunk Driving

Are breathalyzers reliable?

Imagine you’re driving home after a fun night out with friends. You’re feeling good, confident that you’re under the legal limit. Suddenly, you see flashing lights in your rearview mirror. You pull over, and a policeman asks you to take a breathalyzer test. But how reliable is this little device that could potentially change your life?

How does a breathalyzer work?

A breathalyzer measures the amount of alcohol in your breath by estimating your blood alcohol concentration (BAC). When you drink, blood is absorbed into your bloodstream and makes its way to your lungs. When you exhale, the breathalyzer detects the alcohol molecules and calculates your BAC based on the alcohol concentration in your breath.

How common are false positives?

False positives can happen, and they can be incredibly stressful. If you believe you’ve received a false positive, there are a few steps you can take. First, remain calm and respectful with the officer. You can request a second test, either another breathalyzer or a blood test, which is generally more accurate. It’s also helpful to know that certain substances, like mouthwash or some medications, can affect breathalyzer results.

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Can I Get In Trouble With The Law For My Social Media Posts?

 Posted on September 04, 2024 in Criminal Defense

Can I get in trouble with the law for my social media posts?

Social media has become an integral part of American daily life, but it can also lead to unexpected legal troubles. Many people don’t realize that their online posts can result in criminal charges.

Maryland law enforcement agencies actively monitor social media platforms for potential criminal activity. You might face serious consequences if you’re not careful about what you share online.

Your social media activity could be a problem

Your social media posts can attract the attention of law enforcement in several ways. Consider these potential issues:

  • Threats or harassment: Posting threats or engaging in online harassment can lead to criminal charges.
  • Evidence of crimes: Sharing photos or videos of illegal activities may incriminate you.
  • Admission of guilt: Discussing past crimes or ongoing legal matters could be used against you in court if the law is able to verify this.

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Revenge Porn Charges Can Upend Your Life

 Posted on September 03, 2024 in Criminal Defense

Revenge porn charges can upend your life

Developments in social media have revolutionized how people share their lives, from vacation snapshots to daily selfies. But this digital openness can quickly turn dark when intimate images find their way to a wider audience without consent.

A lapse in judgment, a message sent by accident or compromised online security can lead to devastating consequences. Suddenly, intimate moments become public fodder, and potential legal ramifications may come into play.

What is revenge porn?

A revenge porn charge involves the sharing of private and intimate media of someone without their consent. Some examples of the act include:

  • Distributing explicit content without permission
  • Sharing private media after a relationship ends
  • Using intimate material for blackmail
  • Threatening to release personal images

Maryland state laws are harsh for revenge porn offenses. The penalties can include fines reaching $5,000, up to two years in prison and even possible felony charges for repeat offenses.

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Sleeping In A Parking Lot While Intoxicated Can Get You Arrested

 Posted on September 03, 2024 in Drunk Driving

Sleeping in a parking lot while intoxicated can get you arrested

Imagine a night out in Maryland where you had too much to drink. Rather than risk driving, you decide to sleep it off in your car – after all, drunk driving can have devastating consequences. Still, what happens when you decide to sleep it off in your parked car, only to be caught by the police?

DUI in Maryland

Driving under the influence (DUI) laws strictly forbid driving a vehicle when impaired by alcohol or drugs, aiming to ensure road safety and prevent accidents. According to Maryland laws, being in actual physical control of a vehicle while under the influence constitutes a DUI. However, what does actual physical control mean?

Actual physical control explained

The term actual physical control critically determines whether law enforcement can charge you with DUI. Maryland courts consider several factors to assess this, including:

  • Where the keys are located

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Controlled Dangerous Substance Laws In Maryland

 Posted on September 02, 2024 in Drug Charges

Controlled dangerous substance laws in Maryland

Facing a drug charge is a situation that can be both frightening and overwhelming. The laws surrounding controlled dangerous substances in the state can be complex and confusing, leaving you wondering what’s next and how to get through the legal system.

However, you don’t have to face this alone. This blog aims to provide information and guidance you need to understand the charges against you. This information empowers you with knowledge to help you take control of your situation.

Penalties for drug charges in Maryland

Maryland divides drugs into five schedules based on their potential for abuse and medical use. Schedule I substances and drugs have a high risk of abuse and no medical value, while Schedules II to V have decreasing dangers of abuse and medical uses. Understanding which schedule a drug belongs to is crucial, as it impacts the penalty for illegal possession.

In Maryland, possession means having control over something, even if it’s not in your pocket or hand. If authorities find them in your car, home or anywhere near you, you can be considered in possession of them because you can exercise control over them.

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How Does Maryland's Ignition Interlock Program Work?

 Posted on September 02, 2024 in Drunk Driving

How does Maryland’s Ignition Interlock Program work?

Driving under the influence (DUI) in Maryland carries severe consequences that can drastically impact your life. The state takes these offenses seriously, recognizing the potential for devastating collisions, injuries, and fatalities caused by impaired driving. Maryland has various strategies to combat this issue, including the Ignition Interlock Program.

It is a program that aims to address drunk driving as a critical public health and safety concern. Instead of facing a typical license suspension for certain DUI offenses, eligible drivers can participate in the program as an alternative. It is often available to those who have failed or refused a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) test.

How it works

Drivers who qualify for the program will also receive enrollment instructions upon receiving a suspension order. The duration of participation varies based on the specific circumstances of the offense. For instance, if a driver’s BAC test results fall between 0.08 and 0.15, they may use the ignition interlock device for approximately six months.

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Keeping Your Child Beyond Court-Ordered Time Might Be Kidnapping

 Posted on September 02, 2024 in Criminal Defense

Keeping your child beyond court-ordered time might be kidnapping

As a parent, there’s nothing more precious than the safety and well-being of your child. You may mean well by trying to spend more time with them. Then again, what happens when emotions run high and custody disputes arise? In situations like this, it’s essential to understand the legal implications of taking your child beyond court-ordered time and the potential consequences of parental kidnapping.

What is parental kidnapping?

Parental kidnapping, also known as custodial interference, occurs when one parent takes their child without the consent of the other parent. This violates a court-ordered custody agreement. It can include taking the child out of state or country or simply refusing to return the child to the other parent at the designated time.

Is parental kidnapping a felony?

According to Maryland law, parental kidnapping is considered a felony. The law states that a person who violates a custody order intending to deprive the other parent of their custodial rights may be guilty of a felony. When determining if an act constitutes parental kidnapping, courts consider several factors. The intent behind taking the child, the duration of the unauthorized custody and any potential harm to the child can be critical elements of the case. Conviction may lead to severe penalties, including imprisonment.

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What Are The Penalties For Boating While Intoxicated

 Posted on September 02, 2024 in Drunk Driving

What are the penalties for boating while intoxicated?

Operating a boat or other vessels while under the influence of alcohol or dangerous substances is a serious offense in Maryland, and the penalties can be severe. If you’re facing a drunk boating charge, you’re likely feeling anxious, overwhelmed and unsure of what’s next.

Every year, countless individuals find themselves in this same situation, wondering how a day on the water turned into a legal nightmare. In this blog, we’ll explore the penalties for drunk boating in Maryland and what you can do to protect your rights and future.

Understanding the consequences of drinking and boating

This offense is considered a negligent and reckless operation. Those facing this charge may receive a civil penalty of up to $5,000 and imprisonment for up to one year.

In Maryland, a first-time offense may lead to a fine of up to $500. Aside from drunk boating, other examples of negligent or grossly negligent operation include:

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How Serious Is A Speeding Ticket?

 Posted on May 10, 2024 in Criminal Defense

How serious is a speeding ticket?

Getting a speeding ticket might seem like a small issue, but it can have profound consequences. Speeding is one of the most common reasons for traffic tickets in Maryland and around the country, and it can lead to various negative outcomes. Understanding the seriousness of speeding tickets is important for every driver.

Financial impact of speeding tickets

Speeding tickets usually come with fines, which can be quite substantial depending on how fast you were going over the speed limit. In some places, fines increase exponentially as the amount by which the speed limit is exceeded rises. This means that driving just a few miles per hour over the limit could result in a fine, but excessive speeding could lead to much heftier penalties. Additionally, getting a speeding ticket can also lead to increased insurance premiums. Insurance companies often view speeding drivers as high-risk, which can result in higher costs for car insurance.

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