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Be Aware Of These Four Types Of Internet Crimes

 Posted on December 17, 2020 in Uncategorized

Be aware of these four types of Internet crimes

The Internet has become so common place that many people in the Annapolis area search the Internet for information, send emails and post messages on social media platforms without thinking much about whether doing so is safe. However, there are a variety of Internet crimes that can be committed, leading to serious consequences for those accused of them. The following is a brief overview of four types of Internet crimes.

Data breaches

A data breach occurs when data is moved from a secure location to an untrusted location. Generally, this involves protected information being copied or stolen by a person who does not have the authority to access this information.


Malware/Scareware is software that is developed do cause damage to computer systems or disable them. Oftentimes the perpetrators of such crimes use scare tactics to try to obtain funds from the victims of their alleged attack.

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Defense Options For Indecent Exposure Charges

 Posted on November 27, 2020 in Uncategorized

Defense options for indecent exposure charges

Maryland law prohibits a number of actions and behaviors as criminal and punishes violators with serious sanctions like jail time and fines. Indecent exposure, a type of sex crime in the state, is one such action that can change the course of a person’s life if they are convicted of such a charge. This post will explore what constitutes indecent exposure and how individuals can be punished if they are convicted of their alleged crimes. This post does not offer any specific legal advice.

What is indecent exposure?

The charge of indecent exposure is made up of 3 elements. First, the accused individual must have revealed a private part of their body, such as their buttocks or genitals. Second, the alleged exposure must have occurred in a public place and not at a private property. Finally, there must have been at least one other person present when the alleged exposure happened. When prosecutors can prove these elements in court, they may be able to secure convictions against indecent exposure defendants.

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Two Men Arrested On Drugs And Weapons Charges In Wicomco County

 Posted on November 12, 2020 in Uncategorized

Two men arrested on drugs and weapons charges in Wicomco County

Maryland State Police Criminal Enforcement Division arrested two people on suspicion of committing firearms and drug-related crimes. Ordinarily, such news would not be especially surprising because such crimes are common. However, these two arrests are noteworthy because the suspects had already appeared in court on virtually the same charges and were free awaiting trial.

The allegations

According to a report from a preliminary investigation, the two suspects were in possession of firearms and were distributing heroin while they were on a pre-trial release from drug and firearms arrests in July 2020. On Oct. 23, troopers from the MSP Firearms Enforcement Unit, the MSP Gang Unit and other units of the MSP obtained a search warrant for the house where the two suspects were allegedly staying. The troopers found firearms, ammunition, and a quantity of heroin, which were seized at the scene.

The two suspects were also present in the house, and they surrendered to officers without incident. In addition to the drug and firearms charges from the July 2020 incident, one of the suspects had an outstanding arrest warrant for failure to appear on a DUI charge. Both suspects were incarcerated in the Wicomico County Detention Center. One suspect was released on a $50,000 no security bond, while the other man was being held on a no bond status.

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Off Duty Cop Found Passed Out, Arrested For Dui

 Posted on October 29, 2020 in Uncategorized

Off-duty cop found passed out, arrested for DUI

Allegations of driving under the influence can be lodged against anyone throughout Maryland. That includes those who are tasked with enforcing the law. While drunk driving is undoubtedly serious, it is important to remember that simply being arrested for DUI does not automatically mean the person is guilty. Regardless of the circumstances, it is imperative for those who are arrested to have a solid defense not just to try and avoid the legal penalties, but the professional and personal consequences as well.

Off-duty officer faces DUI charges after passing out

A police officer who was found outside a convenience store lying next to his vehicle was arrested for driving while impaired by alcohol and driving under the influence. He had gotten sick and passed out. His off-duty handgun was also missing. Investigating officers searched the area for the gun, but were unsuccessful in locating it. The officer had a previous incident in which he had been arrested for DUI nearly three years ago. However, those charges were dropped because of an issue with the breath test. He has been suspended from his job, but will be paid while the investigation moves forward.

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Traffic Violations Can Have Long Lasting Consequences

 Posted on October 21, 2020 in Firm News

Traffic violations can have long lasting consequences

Each year, just under 10% of all motorists will get pulled over and accused of a traffic violation.

While a lucky few may get let off with a warning, most will receive a traffic ticket. Except for more serious violations, like charges related to impaired driving or a reckless driving charge, these tickets will not involve the possibility jail time.

People may not want to go through the process, but they drivers who do receive a ticket have the option of trying to fight the charge or negotiate for a lighter penalty.

One ticket can cost thousands of dollars

While it might be tempting to just pay the few hundred dollars to get a traffic violation resolved quickly, the overall financial consequences are usually a lot higher.

For instance, even seemingly minor violations that have nothing to do with driving, like driving with an expired tag for instance, can on average hike annual insurance premiums by around 10%, which can be well over $100 a year.

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Breathalyzer Test Requirements

 Posted on October 13, 2020 in Uncategorized

Breathalyzer test requirements

Breathalyzer tests are not always considered reliable which is why drivers who have been accused of drunk driving should be familiar with breathalyzer test requirements. Preparing a drunk driving defense may include challenges to a breathalyzer test which is why accused drivers need to be familiar with the options available for calling a breathalyzer test into question if necessary.

Breathalyzer test requirements

Requirements that breathalyzer tests must meet include:

  • Properly calibrated and maintained – breathalyzer tests must be properly calibrated and maintained at set intervals to be considered reliable and to provide accurate results.
  • Properly administered: breathalyzer tests must be properly administered which includes ensuring that the accused driver’s bodily functions do not interfere with the breathalyzer test results for the test results to be considered accurate.
  • Properly administered by someone trained to do so: breathalyzer tests must be properly administered by someone, such as a police officer, who was properly trained to do so and to use the particular device used. In addition, the police officer must actually administer the breathalyzer test according the appropriate training they have received for the test results to be considered reliable.

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Criminal Investigation In Maryland Results In 15 Indictments

 Posted on September 25, 2020 in Uncategorized

Criminal investigation in Maryland results in 15 indictments

Law enforcement officials in Maryland don’t just react when crimes are allegedly committed. They also plan investigations to attempt to "break up" large-scale operations. And, when they do so, those investigations usually result in numerous arrests and indictments. That appears to be the result of a recent law enforcement operation that occurred in Maryland, codenamed "Operation Too Close for Comfort."

According to the reports, 15 people have been indicted in connection with the investigation. The reports state that all of the individuals who were indicted were alleged "gang members." They face charges that include various drug crime charges, as well as charges related to alleged sex trafficking. The investigation has reportedly been ongoing since May of last year. When the arrests in connection with this investigation were made, law enforcement officials reportedly seized firearms, vehicles and cash, along with various types and amounts of alleged illegal drugs.

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What Happens To My Drivers License If I Get A DUI Or DWI?

 Posted on September 14, 2020 in Firm News

What happens to my driver’s license if I get a DUI or DWI?

Most people in Annapolis may take their driving privileges for granted until they lose them. If you are convicted with driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) your driving privileges could be lost for a significant amount of time.

License revocation for DUI

The length of a licenses revocation or suspension depends on the number of offenses committed. If you are convicted of DUI, meaning your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08% or above, and it is your first offense, your driver’s license will be revoked for six months. If it is your second DUI offense, your driver’s license will be revoked for 12 months. If it your third DUI offense, your driver’s license will be revoked for 18 months.

License suspension for DWI

If you are convicted of DWI, meaning your BAC was 0.07% or lower but you were still found to be intoxicated, and it is your first offense, your driver’s license will be suspended for 60 days. If it is your second DWI offense, your driver’s license will be suspended for up to 120 days. If it is your third DWI offense, your driver’s license will be suspended for up to 12 months.

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Facts Can Alter The Severity Of Assault Charges

 Posted on August 27, 2020 in Uncategorized

Facts can alter the severity of assault charges

Maryland recognizes different levels of assault charges, and the facts of individual criminal cases can change what charges prosecutors elect to pursue against alleged defendants. This post does not provide any legal advice to its readers. Its commentary on assault charges in Maryland should be read as informational and not as legal guidance.

The elements of assault

Assault is a serious criminal charge that involves threats, offensive contact, and in some cases, allegations of physical violence. Assault should be distinguished from battery, another criminal charge. Victims of assault often allege that they endured physical harm, or that they were threatened with physical harm.

Different assault charges

The manner in which an alleged assault is committed, and the facts surrounding the alleged incident, can impact the type of assault charge that is sought by prosecutors. For example, if an alleged assault involves a threat of or actual action that could result in a substantial risk of death, a more serious assault charge may be pursued. Similarly, when certain members of the population (peace officers and firefighters) are the alleged victims of assaults, more serious charges may be filed.

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More Than 20 Indicted In Alleged Drug Ring

 Posted on July 17, 2020 in Uncategorized

More than 20 indicted in alleged drug ring

While much enforcement of drug laws is directed at users and small-scale dealers, the authorities are always looking to break up large networks of illegal drug trafficking. When police go after these networks, they often arrest dozens of people, some of whom may be quite distant from the operators of the network.

Maryland police said they recently broke up a large-scale drug ring that operated in several states. Police said they arrested a man they accused of being one of the ringleaders of the operation, and they have carried out a number of arrests and searches related to the alleged operation in the months since then. According to police, these searches have found 1,200 grams of fentanyl, 99 grams of heroin, 475 grams of cocaine, as well as firearms and other evidence.

Police said the network was tied to the Bloods criminal organization, but some of the people alleged to have taken part in the drug network may not have had any direct ties to the gang. One man arrested and alleged to have been involved in the ring is a suspended police officer.

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